We are very excited and proud to inform that SUPRAVIS joined the Polish Plastics Pact. This opportunity to cooperate as a part of intersectoral initiative offers us an option to work together to change the current model of using plastics in packaging. This partnership, innovative in the Polish market, aims at transforming the linear economy into the circular one.
Being an European leader offering a comprehensive range of barrier and high barrier flexible film packaging for food industry, SUPRAVIS has been following those trends for a long time. We try to be ahead of any possible future legislative restrictions by actively monitoring sources of information, while working on solutions that will assist our customers to face new requirements. Nowadays, achieving the set objectives and protection of the environment against an adverse impact of human activities is a task for every link in the chain. We are aware that this requires mutual cooperation to develop practical solutions, and education, especially of end customers, who will support the process of closing the circulation of materials. All these tasks and objectives cannot be realised alone, therefore, we decided to join CEFLEX already three years ago. This recognisable in Europe initiative currently has 185 members involved in manufacturing, placing on the market and processing of plastic packaging. Its mission is to continuously increase the share of these materials in the circular economy and to create a chain of cooperation, from raw material manufactures, through packaging manufacturers, their customers, brand owners, retailers, end users, up to recycling companies.
We are convinced that the close cooperation of members of different organisations is the best approach to provide innovative and recyclable packaging solutions. Joining of the Polish Plastics Pact represents a great challenge to us, due to multitude of tasks and objectives specified for its members. Although the name of the Pact suggests its local activities, yet its international character must be taken into account. The organisation is a part of the Plastics Pact network of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Currently, its members include manufacturers of packaging and its components, manufacturers of packed products, chain stores, waste management companies, packaging recycling companies, and experts on the packaging market. And all this with a support of other pro-environmental organisations. The participation of various entities enables an objective assessment of the situation and search for solutions taking into account needs and objectives of all involved. The Pact established strategic objectives to be achieved by 2025. They include, in particular, identification and elimination of excessive and problematic packaging, striving to reduce by 30% the use of virgin plastics in packaging while increasing the share of recycled materials to 25%. Another important objective is also to achieve 100% of plastic packaging that can be reused or recycled. Furthermore, the role of the Pact is to improve the quality and the efficiency of consumer education in sorting, recycling and reducing usage of packaging.
One year from establishing of the Pact its achievements include establishing work groups responsible for specific issues, defining terms for common understanding of objectives and areas of activities, and development of a uniform reporting system. And this resulted in creation of two documents: The PPP Opening Report, describing the baseline situation for established six strategic objectives, and the Excessive and Problematic Packaging Report. This well considered scope of tasks and duties offers a perspective for joint achievement of all set objectives.
In our opinion combining membership in two organisations such as CEFLEX and the Polish Plastics Pact, offers us enormous opportunities for cooperation with experts, facilitates an efficient transfer of knowledge and experiences, and contributes to visible changes in the packaging functioning in the market. As a responsible manufacturer, we want to participate in intersectoral initiatives, so the claim motto promoting our company - “Trustworthy Packaging” - gained another dimension in a context of an active influence on development of the circular economy.